
  • 深圳市沃德爱特节能科技有限公司
  • 联系人:陈小姐
  • 联系电话:15919878764
  • 固定电话:0159-19878764
  • 客服: 点击这里给我发消息
  • 经营模式:生产型
  • 所在地区:广东 深圳

KSS端子 Y型端子

价    格:20元(不含税) / 套
数    量:100000包
发布时间:2017/11/27 9:57:11
  • 产品信息
  • 在线留言
  • 规格:齐全
  • 是否标准件:是
  • 材质:铜
  • 标准类型:国标GB
  • 标准编号:0
  • 品牌:KSS
  • 表面处理:镀环保白锌
  • 等级/硬度:加硬
  • 螺纹类型:公制螺纹
  • 内径:
  • 外径:
  • 厚度:
  • 新旧程度:全新
  • 主要用途:
  • 产地/厂家:
  • 加工产品范围:



KSS terminals and says terminals, belongs to the Taiwan imported products, the authentication is complete. The divided into Y terminal R type terminals, Y terminals, needle type terminals, and mother plug, needle type naked in the terminal, meet terminals, insulation and mother plug, hook type and mother plug, the bullet type and mother plug, waterproof heat shrinkable type and mother plug, copper tube terminals, European, terminals, terminal blocks, double set of European flag type terminals, etc

KSS terminal is in order to facilitate the connection wire applications, it is actually a seal in insulating plastic inside pieces of metal, both have aperture can insert lead, have used to tighten the screws or loosen, such as two wire, sometimes need to connect, sometimes need to disconnect, then can use terminal connected, and can always disconnected, and don't have to put them up or welding

1502 KSS Y型绝缘端子

型 号
Item No.

电线规挌 包 装
AWG mm2
YF1.25-3S 3.7 5.7 22-18 0.5-1.0 100 pcs / 包
YF1.25-3 3.7 6.2 22-18 0.5-1.0
YF1.25-4S 4.3 6.4 22-18 0.5-1.0
YF1.25-4 4.3 7.2 22-18 0.5-1.0
YF1.25-5 5.3 8.0 22-18 0.5-1.0
YF1.25-6 6.4 10.7 22-18 0.5-1.0
YF2-3S 3.7 5.7 16-14 1.5-2.5
YF2-3 3.7 6.2 16-14 1.5-2.5
YF2-4S 4.3 6.4 16-14 1.5-2.5
YF2-4 4.3 7.2 16-14 1.5-2.5
YF2-5 5.3 8.0 16-14 1.5-2.5
YF2-6 6.4 10.7 16-14 1.5-2.5
YF3.5-3S 3.7 6.4 14-12 2.5-4
YF3.5-3 3.7 7.4 14-12 2.5-4
YF3.5-4 4.3 8.0 14-12 2.5-4.0
YF3.5-5 5.3 8.0 14-12 2.5-4.0
YF5.5-3S 3.7 7.2 12-10 4.0-6.0
YF5.5-3 3.7 8.2 12-10 4.0-6.0
YF5.5-4S 4.3 7.2 12-10 4.0-6.0
YF5.5-4 4.3 8.2 12-10 4.0-6.0
YF5.5-5 5.3 9.0 12-10 4.0-6.0
YF5.5-6 6.4 10.8 12-10 4.0-6.0
YF8-4 4.3 8.2 8 10
YF8-5 5.3 9.0 8 10
YF8-6 6.4 12.0 8 10

型 号
Item No.

电线规挌 包 装
AWG mm2
RF1.25-3S 3.2 5.5 22-16 0.5-1.0 100 pcs / 包
RF1.25-3 3.7 5.5 22-16 0.5-1.0
RF1.25-4 4.3 8.0 22-16 0.5-1.0
RF1.25-4M 4.3 6.6 22-16 0.5-1.0
RF1.25-5 5.3 8.0 22-16 0.5-1.0
RF1.25-6 6.4 11.7 22-16 0.5-1.0
RF1.25-8 8.4 11.7 22-16 0.5-1.0
RF1.25-10 10.5 13.7 22-16 0.5-1.0
RF2-3S 3.7 6.5 16-14 1.5-2.5
RF2-3 3.7 6.5 16-14 1.5-2.5
RF2-4 4.3 8.5 16-14 1.5-2.5
RF2-4M 4.3 6.6 16-14 1.5-2.5
RF2-5 5.3 9.5 16-14 1.5-2.5
RF2-6 6.4 12.0 16-14 1.5-2.5
RF2-8 8.4 12.0 16-14 1.5-2.5
RF2-10 10.5 13.7 16-14 1.5-2.5
RF3.5-4 4.3 8.0 14-12 2.5-4.0
RF3.5-5 5.3 8.0 14-12 2.5-4.0
RF3.5-6 6.4 12.0 14-12 2.5-4.0
RF5.5-4 4.3 9.5 12-10 4.0-6.0
RF5.5-5 5.3 9.5 12-10 4.0-6.0
RF5.5-6S 6.4 12.0 12-10 4.0-6.0
RF5.5-8 8.4 15.0 12-10 4.0-6.0
RF5.5-10 10.5 15.0 12-10 4.0-6.0
RF8-5S 5.3 9.0 8 10
RF8-5 5.3 12.0 8 10
RF8-6 6.4 12.0 8 10

1502 KSS R型绝缘端子


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